Friday, May 30, 2008

Finance for common man

Finance for Common man

Finance is necessary for every one. What ever is the age, sex, caste, religion etc., Finance plays a vital role in everybodies life. By birth every one prays to be rich. But our karma of earlier janma leads to present janma.

At our childhood our parents will take care of our financial needs. If parents are not alive during childhood, children will take different , different directions without knowledge. Good direction leads to good lifestyle and bad directions leads to criminal activity.(May or May not be) That is how society is created with evil activity.

At our middle age, we will be fast in every thing. That is also, we will be fast in spending our earnings without anticipating future needs. One who enjoys at the early age will se trouble or shortage of finance at the later age. (Just sit back and find few examples of your relations or friends) Don’t get panic, decide now you will not make this mistake.

Later of our age leads to concentration of health. Day to day taking care of health treatments are becoming costlier. To avail good treatment, we have to spend good amount of money.

Prima facie, we need finance at each and every level of life, irrespective of wheather we are in business or profession.

My sincere request to you all is save first and spend next.

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