vastu shastra

Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material. Vastu Shastra is creating a congenial settings or a place to live or work, in most scientific way taking advantages of the benefits bestowed by the five elements called "Paanchbhootas" of the nature thereby paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in an enlightened environment.

The world comprises of five basic elements, also known as the Paanchbhootas. They are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. Out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of these five elements.

History of vaastu

The science of Vaastu is considered an integral part of the Indian home. According to modern historians Ferguson, Havell and Cunningham, this science developed during the period of 6000 BC and 3000 BC. As it is purely a technical subject, it was confined only to the architects (Sthapathis) and handed over by word of mouth or hand-written monographs. The principles of construction, architecture and sculpture, as enunciated in the treatises on temple architecture, have been incorporated in the science of Vaastu.
From ancient literature, we gather that Vaastu was treated as the science of construction of temples and royal palaces. In Amarakosa, a Sanskrit dictionary written by Amara Simha and epics like Skanda Purana, Agni Purana, Garuda Purana and Vishnu Purana, the principles pertaining to the science of Vaastu had been enunciated. Apart from these works, epics like the Bruhatsamhita, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, Viswakarma Vaastu Sastra, Samarangana Sutra Dharana and Aparajita Prutchcha, have been responsible for Vaastu taking shape as a science.
In the Matsya Purana, seventeen preceptors of Vaastu have been mentioned. They are Bhrugu, Atri, Vasista, Viswakarma, Maya, Narada, Nagnajit, Visalaksha, Purandara, Brahma, Kumaraswamy, Nandisa, Sounaka, Bhargava, Vasudeva, Anirudha, Sukra and Bruhaspathi.
The first official treatise on Vaastu, the Kasyapa Silpa, has been attributed to Sage Kasyapa.
In the treatise Agama Sastra, which explains the science of temples, Vaastu is considered as the basis for any type of construction. Excavations at Harappa and Mohenjodaro also indicate the influence of Vaastu on the Indus Valley Civilization.
People in ancient India evolved various codes and systems for a living, which is contained in ancient scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc., to ensure peace, harmony and prosperity among people. With all their wisdom, they put forth this science of Vaastu Shastra, which has constantly been evolved since then, but without any difference in the basic philosophy or fundamentals. Vastushastra has clear-cut definitions- Vastu means abode or a house & Shastra means science or technology, i.e. it is the scientific method of house construction. Vastushastra considers a house to be a living soul, having prana. And therefore, this science in a way defines the relationship between man and the cosmos. Indian civilization is considered as one of the oldest in the world & hence Vaastu Shastra, Astrology etc. are also equally old sciences. As astrology remains a speculative science than result oriented subject, the Vaastu Shastra is definitely a result oriented science if laid down as per its norm would definitely give positive result.

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