Friday, May 30, 2008

Finance for common man

Finance for Common man

Finance is necessary for every one. What ever is the age, sex, caste, religion etc., Finance plays a vital role in everybodies life. By birth every one prays to be rich. But our karma of earlier janma leads to present janma.

At our childhood our parents will take care of our financial needs. If parents are not alive during childhood, children will take different , different directions without knowledge. Good direction leads to good lifestyle and bad directions leads to criminal activity.(May or May not be) That is how society is created with evil activity.

At our middle age, we will be fast in every thing. That is also, we will be fast in spending our earnings without anticipating future needs. One who enjoys at the early age will se trouble or shortage of finance at the later age. (Just sit back and find few examples of your relations or friends) Don’t get panic, decide now you will not make this mistake.

Later of our age leads to concentration of health. Day to day taking care of health treatments are becoming costlier. To avail good treatment, we have to spend good amount of money.

Prima facie, we need finance at each and every level of life, irrespective of wheather we are in business or profession.

My sincere request to you all is save first and spend next.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Karnataka Elections

Karnataka Elections has ended with no majority. BJP has gained 110 seats, Congress gained 80 seats, JD(s) gained 28 and others gained 6 seats.

now BJP is in talks to gain the majority and form the government.
check this

Pass the Passports

Passport outsourcing

This is the first time ever passport processing has been outsourced. The race is believed to have been keenly contested by some large PSUs as well as IT and BPO firms with some large government contracts to their credit. TCS will now handle all the processing work related to the issuance of passports

Bangalore International Airport

Bangalore International Airport

After 17 years of wrangling, delay and innumerable rounds of litigation and talks, the new Bangalore International Airport ( BIAL) at Devanahalli became operational on Friday night. The first flight to take off from the new airport was Air India’s IC 957 for Singapore, captained by Ishwar Pal Panwar. The first Flight to land in the airport was Indian Airlines IC 609 from Mumbai with a couple of other domestic flights slated to land post midnight, delayed by a few hours. Delays and confusion notwithstanding, the airport set-up received thumbs-up from passengers and pilots alike.

And with that, the HAL airport that had served civilian flights for decades, has become an exclusive defence airport.

Premium as well as budget taxi services have also been launched at the new airport. CarzOnRent operates limousines and provides executive class travel, while easyCabz runs a radio taxi service.

Right now, there are no customers to exchange currencies at the counter. The business will pickup soon. The new airport has been built at a cost of Rs.2,470 crore as a public-private partnership between the state government and a Siemens-led consortium.

There’s excitement in the air at BIA. A number of Bangalore based passengers called to ask whether we would land at BIA. When we informed them that their flight infrastructure secretary V P Baligar greets one of the first passengers at the airport.

There was few confusion, like few passengers have left to old airport without knowledge. Airport road was not busy and whole traffic was transferred to Bellary Road. Expected traffic on National Highway 7 are like 1.14 crore passenger flow to Bangalore. Passenger average daily flow based on 450 flights per day is 1,14,00,000/365=31,232. As per the HAL airport data 75% of the passengers are domestic and 25% international passengers. So Domestic passenger per day is 0.75x31,232 = 23,424. The domestic operation is distributed between 6 am to 10 pm. Domestic passengers per hour is 23,424/16=1,464. It is estimated that one person will accompany a passenger. Therefore, number of vehicles to be parked is estimated at 1500-2600/hour. Besides there is an introduction of Volvo buses to BIA a hit. The Vayu Vajra Service by BMTC was a big hit. Hi-tech Volvo service with 31 seater, lot of luggage space carried 128 passengers from BIA to Bangalore after the inaugural flight landed on Saturday morning. BMT has deployed 40 Volvo buses and 116 Suvarna Sarige buses though the Volvo service is more in demand.

The people at new Devanahalli Airport was very happy to see the international standard of Airport. Visitors arrived to airport to see and expirence the new look. Most of them are happy and only worry was connectivity. Bangalore traffic authorities and planning to improve the connectivity to the new airport.

Folks, enjoy the world class airport at Bangalore.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

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While inspiration can come to anyone at any time, you can create a conducive climate within you so that you get self inspired. For self-inspiration, both your heart and mind need to be relaxed, so that you are in leisure mode.

Isaac Newton was relaxing in the garden when he saw an apple fall. He had the leisure to ask himself why the apple fell straight on the ground and did not go upward. He found the answer and gave to us the law of gravity.

Sometimes small incidents can result in the creation of a major work of art or literature. Edward Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the roman empire is an acclaimed work in the English language. In his autobiography he writes that when he was in Rome he sat using amidst the ruins of the old city. Barefooted friars were singing vespers or evening prayers. This is when he got the idea of writing about the decline and fall of the city. The realization of this idea took many years but his persistence and hard work resulted in a classic of literature and not only of history.

Galileo was sitting in a church when he saw a chandelier gently moving from side to side. He noted that the to and fro movement of the chandelier that was independent of the bon mass or the amplitude of the swing would prove useful (as pendulum) for keeping time like the metronome that aids students of music.

Many of us live under the tyranny of the next thing to do on our list. Sometimes the state of leisure is enforced on us as during the convalescence period after an illness. A temporary immobilization from routine activity suddenly creates the time for self-evaluation

For a writer or teacher a sabbatical provides the leisure for him to think through a subject.

Leisure by itself is not enough. It has to be accompanied by mindfulness and attentiveness. Sometimes inquisitiveness is an aid to inspiration. The second aid to inspiration is concern for others. Many of the medical inventions have come from a desire to cure a disease.

Inspiration has to be followed through to yield any result. Thomas Alva Edison said: “Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”. For want of application and follow up, many an inspired thought is lost. Or quality of life shapes our inspiration. An uncluttered mind is likely to be receptive to even small whispers from within.

Nature is a wonderful source of inspiration. I remember a time when I was depressed after a course of chemotherapy and was sitting in the garden when a mynah gave a ful throated cry of joy. She repeated the cry again, twice and I could not hep but experience her joy as my spirits lifted.

Music is soothing, it also inspires. What comes out of us depends on what goes into us. It is worth asking from time to time. “What is my intellectual and spiritual input this day?” Who are the people I think of apart from myself? Who are the people I can help? Inspiration comes from reaching out.

For our rushed lives the prayer of the American poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, is so relevant, Drop thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease. Take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess. The beauty of thy peace.

Thursday, May 8, 2008